Lowest Price Rhinos - Charging Your Device Out of Africa / Asia

Rhinos - Charging Your Device Out of Africa / Asia
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Here are some of the great features of Rhinos - Charging Your Device Out of Africa / Asia

APH International , ...

  • The horns are made of keratin, the same type of protein that makes up hair and fingernails
  • Unlike other perissodactyls, the African species of rhinoceros lack teeth at the front of their mouths, relying instead on their powerful premolar and molar teeth to grind up plant food
  • Two of these species are native to Africa and three to southern Asia
  • Rhinoceros also known as rhino, is a group of five extant species of odd-toed ungulates in the family Rhinocerotidae
  • The rhinoceros family is characterized by its large size (one of the largest remaining megafauna), with all of the species able to reach one tonne or more in weight; an herbivorous diet; a thick protective skin, 1.5-5 cm thick, formed from layers of collagen positioned in a lattice structure; relatively small brains for mammals this size (400-600 g); and a large horn
  • Rhinoceros are killed by humans for their horns, which are bought and sold on the black market, and which are used by some cultures for ornamental or (largely pseudo-scientific) medicinal purposes
  • They generally eat leafy material, although their ability to ferment food in their hind gut allows them to subsist on more fibrous plant matter, if necessary
  • Both African species and the Sumatran Rhinoceros have two horns, while the Indian and Javan Rhinoceros have a single horn.

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