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Cakewalk SONAR X1 Production Suite
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Cakewalk SONAR X1 Production Suite Details & Features

Cakewalk 10-CXPS1.0010CA, Now you can own the best of Cakewalk's professional production tools with the SONAR X1 Production Suite. SONAR X1 Producer has everything needed to deliver the polished, "radio-ready" recordings that are expected in today's music industry -- all in one box. Now, the SONAR X1 Production Suite expands on those capabilities with additional production tools, enhanced views, ProChannel modules, and Z3TA+ 2, one of the most powerful and acclaimed virtual instruments in history.SONAR X1 Production Suite includes:SONAR X1c ProducerLatest version of the critically-acclaimed SONAR X1 Producer with its wide array of instruments, effects, and cutting-edge production tools.SONAR X1 Producer ExpandedCustom ProChannel strips, Saturation Knob module by Softube, Music XML, SoundCloud export, FX Chains 2.0, and more.PC4K S-Type Expander/GateVintage-style ProChannel module for use with PC-76 U-Type compressor or with PC4K S-Type buss compressor for full channel strip emulation.Z3TA+ 2 Waveshaping SynthesizerNew filter types, modulatable waveshapers, flexible effects, expressive control, a gorgeous new interface, and 1000 new patches. ProChannel Session Drummer 3 Dimension Pro Mastering effects Channel strip effects TruePianos Producer effects Audio Snap V-Vocal Surround sound T Series effects Sonitus Rapture LE RGC Suite Matrix view Step sequencer Essential instruments Essential effects ...

Here are some of the great features of Cakewalk SONAR X1

  • Unlimited audio tracksThousands of instrumentsHundreds of effectsVST/DX ReWire support32/64 Bit

Cakewalk SONAR X1
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